19. apr. 2009

New dress!

This is the dress i decided to buy for my brothers "event" or confirmation!

9. apr. 2009

Wishful thinking

As everybody probably knows, things don't always go as planned.
You may have been wishing for a future with someone, or a future in a field you know deep down you'll never get in to.

I thought I was going to share my future, and my hopes and dreams with someone, but this person turned around and put his foot down and stopped it before it had barely begun. And before I could count to ten he had moved on with his life; new town, new girlfriend, and I was still stuck in the past, why? Because I loved him. And he will never quite understand how strongly, because I haven't always treated or behaved like you should when you love someone, but that never stopped me loving him.

So my world was shattered, and there was nothing I could do about.
I tried moving on, but every time I thought I had, he would appear again, and break it all down, and I would be back to square one.
You can't help how you feel, and you're always going to love someone if you've already loved them once.
I'm finally moving on properly, he will always be a part of me, but he will not be allowed to ruin the bit of happiness I still have left.
He simply won't have access to my mind any more. He might not be a stranger to me, but he will not get inside my head again to break down the walls I built in order to move on.
If I don't move on, I will be stuck in the past forever, and end up a cynical person. And my friends do not deserve a cynical, unhappy friend.
For their sake I'm moving on, and for my own happiness' sake, and for my own future.

I did not have the strength to move on before now. But he gave his true feelings, and he does not love me any more. So what's the point, why keep feelings for someone who hasn't felt anything for you in months?

I'm moving on. And there's nothing that's going to stop me.